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Crece Pelo Gotero Natural 4.25 oz


Natural Phytotherapeutic Dropper                                                                                          It is a deep repairer of extra conditioning that protects and strengthens the hair strand, while helping to prevent the fall. This thanks to the fine selection and compatibility of its natural assets, turning this formula into the Phytotherapeutic tranquillity par excellence for the prevention of the fall and deep restoration of the hair as well as stimulant for the growth.

Repair, moisturize, condition, Regenerate the scalp and regulate the hair follicle.

Application Mode:
Woman: According to Necessity.
Man: Daily Use.

Apply on scalp and hair. Do not rinse.

Extracts & Natural Assets: Laurel, Ortiga, Árnica, Bardana, Berro, Caléndula, Ginseng, Hiedra, Manzanilla, limón, pino, romero, Capuchina, Salvia, Tioxolona soluble, Leche de algodón, Pronalen Fibro-Actif HSC.

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